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15 spices and herbs that fight diabetes 种对抗糖尿病的香料和草药


1. 罗勒


2. 黑莓

黑蓝莓含有花青素色素,含有抗氧化剂,可对抗糖尿病,增强心脏,减少炎症和血液中脂肪堆积的机会。研究表明,每天大量食用新鲜蓝莓可以减少炎症迹象,并改善代谢综合征(可导致2型糖尿病发展)患者的葡萄糖耐量。水果可以活吃或煮熟,也可以在甜味时干燥 - 酸味被认为是一种美味佳肴,因此用于生产果酱,利口酒和糖浆。

3. 甘菊


4. 肉桂

肉桂用于制备糕点和炖菜,其内壳被用作香料,无论是以棒子还是粉末的天然形式。一些研究表明肉桂在降低健康人和2型糖尿病患者的血糖水平方面的有效性,但其他研究发现肉桂不影响含糖血红蛋白A1C的水平,因此研究结果尚无定论。更重要的是,肉桂对减肥有积极影响,因为它有助于降低胆固醇并加速身体的新陈代谢。 糙米,扁豆或肉炖菜,当然不需要加糖,甚至应该避免。

5. 枯茗

孜然具有独特且非常浓郁的味道,与红炖菜或简单的糙米完美结合。当你在食物中添加孜然时,请慷慨地使用它,因为它可以降低血糖和胆固醇,这对糖尿病患者非常有益。此外,孜然对由一簇氨基酸产生的最终产品具有积极作用。这种含糖产品的形成被认为是危险的,因为它们 可以 改变它们形成的组织的结构并损害身体,但孜然可以平衡这些过程并防止氨基酸的旋转。

6. 医学记忆

药用杂草,也被称为蒲公英,被认为是一种杂草,因为它的生长会干扰田间或花园中的其他植物,但它被用作一种重要的草本:它的叶子富含维生素A,C,钙和铁,它可以降低血压,有助于肝脏健康。此外, 它有助于减轻体重,这对糖尿病患者非常重要,可以极大地影响他们的健康。尿道还增加尿液流量,从而有助于身体的清洁作用。下巴的嫩叶适合用于叶沙拉,无需烹饪,尽管较大的叶子需要烹饪,因为它们的味道很苦。

7. 莳萝


8. 茴香

茴香具有细腻的茴香味,建议将其叶子用作沙拉和烹饪的蔬菜,因为它的叶子和种子含有抗氧化剂和膳食纤维,有助于降低血液胆固醇。此外,茴香由于其含有大量的钾而降低血压,这有助于通过尿液从体内排出大量的钠。在印度, 习惯上在饭后咀嚼茴香籽以清洁牙齿和刷新口气,它被认为是一种极好的止咳药,使其成为糖尿病患者常见问题的自然治疗方法。

9. 蒜

大蒜是一种极好的药物,也用于世界各地的医疗目的,因为大蒜牙齿对感染和炎症非常有效,它含有大蒜素,硫,维生素B1,维生素B3,氟等。此外,由于没有非常强的抗炎特性,它抑制了在糖尿病中起作用的细胞因子(小蛋白质),当它也以其降低血糖和脂肪水平,增强心脏的能力以及其预防癌细胞发展的能力而闻名。 几乎每一种添加大蒜和橄榄油蔬菜或炖菜都会变得美味惊人,但重要的是要记住,最好食用新鲜的大蒜,而不是干燥或压碎。

10. 姜


11. 迷迭香


12. 圣人

鼠尾草是以色列最常见和最古老的草药和草药之一,含有抗氧化剂,有益于对抗糖尿病,是必需脂肪酸的来源。鼠尾草的浓郁风味与炖菜搭配起来非常棒, 也适合作为一杯茶的舒缓补充。除此之外,鼠尾草茶和蜂蜜有助于抵御感冒和其他冬季疾病。

13. 甜 菊

甜叶菊植物是少数不会伤害糖尿病患者的甜味剂之一,尽管它比普通糖更甜。虽然使用甜叶菊无助于消除对甜食的渴望,但这种植物对餐后血糖和胰岛素水平有积极影响。此外, 甜叶菊植物可以很容易地生长在窗台上的植物中,并在您想要享受其特性时将其采摘在顶部。

14. 百里香


15. 姜黄

姜黄根产生一种味道细腻的香料,使食物呈金黄色,通常用于粉末状烹饪,当其新鲜形式含有钾,维生素C和抗氧化剂时。它可能是预防癌症的最佳调味品,它对糖尿病患者也有很大的帮助,因为它有助于防止衰老,保护心脏,并有助于减轻体重。 对大约240名被诊断患有糖尿病前期和疾病的人进行了一项研究,分为两组:试验组和对照组。研究人员每天给实验组服用基于姜黄的胶囊,而对照组则食用九个月不含姜黄的胶囊。研究发现,许多服用模拟药物的小组成员患上了2型糖尿病,而研究组中食用姜黄的受试者根本没有患上糖尿病,因此开始定期将姜黄添加到菜单中非常重要。

15 spices and herbs that fight diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by a high concentration of glucose in the blood and urine, so it is very important to maintain the food consumed in order not to worsen the situation and also to improve it. Happily, there are many herbs and spices known for their medicinal properties that also help in the war against diabetes, with which delicious and healthy meals can be prepared. So, while you're cooking your next meal, try to incorporate some of the 15 herbs and spices into the list in front of you, thus protecting yourself and the people you care about from serious illness.

1. basil

Basil, has a very important medicinal virtue; It can help balance blood sugar in diabetics, so it is recommended to use it frequently to season different foods. The basil blends greatly into salads, soups, and pesto, with the aroma reminiscent of the smell of summer, Italy, and other wonderful and beloved dishes.

2. Blackberry

Black blueberries contain anthocyanin pigment that contains antioxidants that fight diabetes, strengthen the heart and reduce the chances of suffering from inflammation and accumulation of fats in the blood. Studies show that daily consumption of fresh blueberries in large quantities reduces signs of inflammation and improves glucose tolerance in people with properties of metabolic syndrome (which can cause the development of type 2 diabetes). The fruit can be eaten alive or cooked and can also be dried when its sweet taste - sourness is considered a delicacy and therefore used for the production of jams, liqueurs, and syrups.

3. Chamomile

Bong, known by its Gregorian name Chamomile, is a fragrant plant that is used to make infusions and also as a medicinal herb. The chamomile plant reduces blood sugar and prevents complications in diabetics by helping the digestive process and helping to cleanse the blood from excess sugar. Moreover, after a long day's work, there is nothing like a cup of hot chamomile tea that induces both physical and mental calm.

4. cinnamon

Cinnamon is used for the preparation of pastries and stews when its inner shell is used as a spice, both in its natural form as sticks and as powder. Some studies indicate the efficacy of cinnamon in lowering blood sugar levels in healthy people and also in people with type 2 diabetes, but other studies have found that cinnamon does not affect the levels of sugary hemoglobinA1C so the findings are inconclusive. What is more, cinnamon positively affects weight loss as it helps lower cholesterol and speeds up the body's metabolism. Brown rice, lentils, or meat stews, and of course there is no need to add sugar and should even be avoided.

5. cumin

Cumin has a unique and very strong flavor and combines excellently with red stews or simple brown rice. When you add cumin to your foods, use it generously as it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, which can be very beneficial for diabetics. In addition, cumin has a positive effect on the final products produced from a cluster of amino acids. Such the formation of sugary products is considered dangerous because they can alter the structure of the tissue in which they were formed and damage the body, but cumin can balance these processes and prevent the spin of amino acids.

6. dandelion

Medicinal weed, also known as dandelion, is considered a weed because its growth interferes with other plants in the field or garden, but it is used as an important herb: its leaves are rich in vitamin A, C, calcium and iron, it lowers blood pressure and contributes to liver health. In addition, it helps in weight reduction, which is very important for diabetics and can greatly affect their health. The urethra also increases the flow of urine and thus helps in the cleansing action of the body. The young leaves of the chin are suitable for a leaf salad, without the need for cooking, although the larger leaves require cooking as their taste is bitter.

7. dill

"Sabbath Fragrant", known as Shamir, originally comes from Southwest and Central Asia and is also found in Israel. Dill is known for its ability to increase milk production in pregnant women, but its medicinal properties can also be used to cope with diabetes. Researchers have found about 70 different chemicals found in the guard that help fight this disease, so it is important to consume them frequently. The dill blends perfectly with fish, cheeses, eggs, or mushrooms.

8. Fennel

Fennel has a delicate anise flavor and it is recommended to use its leaves as a vegetable for salads and also in cooking, as its leaves and seeds contain antioxidants and dietary fiber that help reduce blood cholesterol. In addition, the fennel lowers blood pressure due to the high amount of potassium it contains, which helps excrete amounts of sodium from the body through the urine. In India, it is customary to chew fennel seeds after a meal to clean the teeth and refresh the breath and it is considered an excellent cough suppressant, making it a natural treatment for a common problem among diabetics.

9. garlic

Garlic serves as an excellent medicine and also for medical purposes all over the world since garlic teeth are very effective against infections and inflammations, and it contains allicin, sulfur, vitaminB1, vitaminB3, fluorine, etc. Also, for no very strong anti-inflammatory properties, which suppresses the cytokines (small proteins) that act in diabetes, when it is also known for its ability to lower blood sugar and fat levels, strengthen the heart, and its ability to prevent the development of cancer cells. Almost every vegetable or stew that adds garlic and olive oil to them becomes delicious Amazingly, but it is important to remember that it is better to consume fresh garlic and not dry or crushed.

10. Ginger

Ginger, has a spicy and refreshing flavor and is mainly used for seasoning a wide variety of dishes containing meat, chicken, and vegetarian foods. Moreover, a 2014 study showed that people who consumed 3 grams of dry ginger powder for 30 days experienced a significant improvement in blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and other important measures. Those who do not like the taste of ginger in the food can try to cut a piece of fresh ginger and put it in the teacup.

11. rosemary

The rosemary branches are suitable as wine for use in many dishes such as meat dishes and those that are vegetarian, while it is also recommended to try adding it to the cup of tea and enjoy a relaxing and delicious drink. The rosemary plant contains antioxidants that are beneficial in the war against diabetes and it greatly helps to treat metabolic syndromes and is also effective in fighting against various infections and cancers.

12. Sage

Sage is one of the most common and ancient herbs and herbs in Israel and contains antioxidants that are beneficial in fighting diabetes and is a source of essential fatty acids. The strong flavor of the sage goes wonderful with stews and is also suitable as a soothing addition to the cup of tea. Beyond that sage tea with honey helps against colds and other winter diseases.

13. Stevia

The stevia plant is among the few sweeteners that do not harm diabetics, even though it is sweeter than regular sugar. Although using stevia will not help eliminate the craving for something sweet, this plant has a positive effect on blood sugar and insulin levels after a meal. Also, the stevia plant can be easily grown in a plant on the windowsill and picked on top whenever you want to enjoy its properties.

14. thyme

Thyme is a spice plant that smells aromatic, and its amazing flavor is suitable for any dish. Thyme contains approximately 75 phytochemicals (a general name for compounds found naturally in plant-based foods) that fight diabetes and are very effective in their action. The thyme is rich in iron and is used quite a bit in the cooking of meat dishes, soups, eggs, and more. Although its dominant flavor usually does not obscure the flavors of additional herbs and can be purchased dried or fresh.

15. turmeric

Turmeric root produces a delicately flavored spice that gives food a golden color and is often used in powder-shaped cooking, when in its fresh form it contains potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It is probably the best condiment to prevent cancer and it also contributes greatly to diabetics as it helps against aging, protects the heart, and helps reduce weight. A study was carried out on about 240 people diagnosed with pre-diabetics and was divided into two groups: a trial group and a control group. The researchers gave the experimental group turmeric-based capsules each day, while the control group consumed capsules that contained nothing for nine months. It was found that many of the group members who took the simulated drug developed type 2 diabetes while the subjects in the study group who consumed turmeric did not develop diabetes at all, so it is important to start adding turmeric to the menu regularly.

Written by Beck Eli Shanghai 1 May 2022

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