上海安徽精英群在 Shanghai - Anhui Elite Forum
2018年3月11日,以色列EDB中国的两位创始人贝彬先生(Eli Beck)和杜嘉庆(David Du先生)应邀参加了上海安徽精英群在上海茂悦大酒店举办的第三届高峰论坛。到会人员高达400多人。出席会议的都是来自活跃在上海各个层面的安徽籍的社会精英。有来自著名的企业家,科学家,教授和投资商等,其中有巨人集团史玉柱的代表,复旦经济学院院长,同济大学,交通大学,对外经贸大学安徽籍代表,安徽16个地市的商会会长,还有部分前任军界代表也参加了本次论坛。以色列EDB China是唯一一个以色列公司参加了此次盛会。会上,Eli和David先生与参会的多位企业家代表对在安徽从事现在高科技农业,农业,医疗大健康和高端制造等行业进行了充分的交流和沟通。可以肯定的说,安徽作为一个中部省份,对于引进以色列高科技技术和中国企业对接存在巨大市场机会。以色列EDB China公司将致力于连接以色列和上海及安徽等长三角地区的高新技术产业升级和传统产业转型服务做出应有的贡献!杜嘉庆 发布
The Shanghai Anhui Elite Forum held on March 11 at Hyatt Hotel, which is the third round annual meeting for all those Anhui Elite and most successful people who are relocated in Shanghai in different Industries and all walks of life. Eli and David representing EDB-China, are invited to attend this big event. We are so happy to learn that so many Entrepreneurs, engineers, and professors etc. are interested in Israeli Agriculture, Hi-Tech, and Bio Tech and willing to cooperate with EDB-China in the near future.
We sincerely hope that EDB-China will make a good kick-off project in Anhui and make a golden bridge between Anhui and Israel.